Built a game with the team at ParagonsNFT. An open world with dynamic day and night cycles, grass, water, shaders and more.
Three.js, WebGL, GLSL, React, Next.js
Created a web app for a client to visualize thousands images using a clustering algorithm. Added features for viewing point clouds and depth textures of AI generated images../
Python, Three.js, WebGL, GLSL, Vite
A web based Augmented Reality application where users can create and interact with virtual pinboards.
PHP, Javascript, WebXR, threejs, Google Cloud Platform, Git
A project to convert any given image into stipple artwork, using quadtrees and circle packing algorithm.
Python, PILLOW Library, numpy, Git
An e-commerce store to list and sell my artworks. Hosted on Google Cloud Platform with PayPal Integration for secure payments.
Google Cloud Platform, Javascript, PHP, Bootstrap
Hi, I am Ebenezer- Creative Dev, Freelancer and DIY Enthusiast. I love working on challenging problems and coming up with creative solutions! Optimization is my jam. If you're looking for a developer to add to your team, I'd love to hear from you! 👇
The laboratory is still under construction. Coming soon!